We are currently accepting (though not promoting) donations made to the company to allow us to continue to provide free services (DarkJedi.Org and BattleStats.Com) to our members.
The support of donators allows us to continue to offer these services for free. Please take the time to read our Donation Terms page to understand the donation process.
If you agree to these terms please click the "Make a Donation" button below. If you have any questions or problems with the process please contact Hero@DarkJedi.Org
We are aware not all members that wish to donate have access to a Credit Card. If you still wish to donate via PayPal (through electronic bank transfer to their PayPal account - US only) our email is Hero@DarkJedi.Org.
Please ensure if you use this method you name the subject "Donation for DarkJedi.Org & BattleStats.Com" and in the other notes please include your DJO/BSC callsign and ID plus whether your would like to be listed or not. We are currently researching methods for
non Credit Card holders to contribute.