DC Hero?
The Beginning
The Database
The Event
The Split
The Money
The Company
The Business
The People
The Plan

Questions / Comments??

All original content is ©2003 DC Hero & Co. All rights reserved. All copyrighted material mentioned is © of their respective owners.


In The Beginning

 X-Wing vs Tie Fighter & the Zone

This whole journey started off when I purchased Xwing vs Tie Fighter back on July 5th, 1997 for $39.99 (Found the Receipt!).  I didn't play it for about 30 days just in case it went on sale and I had to return it to get the better price.

After playing a few missions at home I was very curious about playing against other people on the internet.  So I fired up my US Robotics 33.6 and headed out to LucasArts, which redirected me to the Zone (www.zone.com).

The zone required me to choose a nick name and I of course choose "DC_Hero".  People in the zone would ask me if DC stood for the "comics" or if I lived in Washington DC.  Back then club prefixes on names were really just starting to catch on .

 Tie Figther Alliance (TFA)

Shortly after I started playing I met a guy names Nemisis_X (Shawn). We were both in a quest to get our main pilot to "Jedi Master".  He had a website out on Tripod called "System 7" and decided to start a club called Tie Figther Alliance (TFA).  A couple of days later he asked me to join and I counter offered to help do the web pages and graphics.

 DarkJedi.Org (DJO)

Soon after the birth of TFA, Shawn and I got tired of telling people to go to an outrageously long URL of our web pages, so we both agreed to get a *pay* site, buy a domain name and split the costs.  DarkJedi.Org (DJO) was born.

The purpose of DJO was to serve as the Admin/Support for the current gaming division (TFA) and for any future gaming divisions.  DJO would handle everything from Web Page development to running events to managing the database. The Gaming divisions would manage the members of the division helping them to meet and make friends, learn about the club and most importantly, learn to play whatever game the division supported.  (TFA only supported Xwing vs Tie Figther in the beginning)

Note: These pages are for historical purposes and content has not been updated since 2003