DC Hero?
The Beginning
The Database
The Event
The Split
The Money
The Company
The Business
The People
The Plan

Questions / Comments??

All original content is ©2003 DC Hero & Co. All rights reserved. All copyrighted material mentioned is © of their respective owners.


The Money


This whole thing started out as a Hobby of mine (and of others) and continues to be so even to this day.  I have always loved to play games as well as love to build things.  Helping to create a club, then consequently helping to create an Events System is fun.  God has blessed me with certain talents and I consider my time spent out here as a "Ministry of Service".

 Getting Serious

While I consider this a Hobby and a Service, I have always taken things seriously.  I have always tried to set things up following  good business practices as well as common sense.  Some people have said that I should "Ligten Up" and that this is "Just a Game".  But the fact of the matter is, these endevours are now pulling in well over $600 per month (as of 10/99) and I estimate that these revenues will tripple in the next year.

 Where does the money come from??

The money is coming from the display of banner ads.  DarkJedi.Org (DJO) and BattleStats.Com (BSC) entered into a two year exclusive contract with UGO.Com.  The Exclusivity means that DJO and BSC will only display banners from UGO, and in exchange, UGO agreed to gurantee monthly minimum rates on all available inventory regardless of if they have a customer for that inventory. (Inventory refers to available banner space). 

Note: These pages are for historical purposes and content has not been updated since 2003