DC Hero?
The Beginning
The Database
The Event
The Split
The Money
The Company
The Business
The People
The Plan

Questions / Comments??

All original content is ©2003 DC Hero & Co. All rights reserved. All copyrighted material mentioned is © of their respective owners.


The People

 The Captain of the Ship.

To say that I did this all by myself would be a gross mis-reprenstation of the truth.  While it is true that I have been the driving force and the guy ultimately responsible, I am not a "One-Man Show".  Quite the opposite, I consider myself to be more of a "Working Captain".  I steer the ship to make sure that things stay on course.  I also pull my share of the load when it comes to Leadership and Programing.

 The Crew

Countless people have spent their time in service both the club and the community at large. Names of the past like Sigma, Hawkeye, DK-Hunter, BobaFettish, Leppard, Harpoon, Taliesin, Rogue, H-Lock, Victim, JediKnight, Drakar, BlakKlaatu, and on and on.

Not to mention the current crew of people like Galeneld, Shiva, Cable, Nr50, Drone, BattleDog, Shadow Warrior,  Herr-Lew, Doc, DarkAngel, Raven and on and on.

And of course, Chris "Cowboy" Ferguson, that has put a tremendous amount of work into BattleStats.com and is largely responsible for major sections of BSC as well as some foundational changes in database design. 

And Lastely but certainly not least would be William "Rodeo" Rhodes who has served above and beyound the call of duty for so long as to become a "fixture" on the wall (so to speak).  Bill was able to take over the running of the "Event" (Week of War) and then taking over the as Fleet Admiral of the Tie Figther Alliance. Handling both of these responsibilities with untiring faithfullness.

Note: These pages are for historical purposes and content has not been updated since 2003