DC Hero?
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The Event
The Split
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All original content is ©2003 DC Hero & Co. All rights reserved. All copyrighted material mentioned is © of their respective owners.


The Split

 DarkJedi.Org (DJO) Events Division

The Week of War event was run by DJO.  DJO was setup to be a neutral entity that supported the gaming divisions.  And in this case it was responsible for the running of the Week of War event and for handling disputed games. 

The issue was that TFA was the largest club in the Zone, and some people like to infer that DJO was not nuetral.  This was of course untrue, but what can you do.  People will think what they want to think no matter what you tell them.

  The Birth of BattleStats.Com (BSC)

The answer was once again pretty simple.  Split out the Events Division from DJO into it's own domain. This would actually prove to solve several issues. 

One issue solved was that DJO was now able to focus more on supporting the gaming divisions and not overly burdened with thinking about managing mutli-club events.

Another issue that was solved was the ability to allow any club to run their own wars without the club feeling it had to keep on good terms with TFA or TRA (TRA was the 2nd gaming division added to DJO).

Finally, the biggest issue this solved was to put the Events Services into a Game Nuetral Domain that was not tied into any particular Genre of Games.  The system would be able to be ported to any game the BSC Staff felt like doing.

Note: These pages are for historical purposes and content has not been updated since 2003